Sunday, September 21, 2008

Web 2.0 Awards

1st place went to this:LAST.FM they weren't that bad. Personally, I have always used Limewire and found this much easier to navigate than the lastfm site. If you love music, like me, this website is another addition to all those others like: Napster(deceased) and ITunes. You can listen to the songs you like and add it to your library. You can look at your friends library and take their songs and vice versa. I didn't find that much of a difference between the music programs. This would probably be another one I recommend to my sister who's a geek when it comes to music stuff like this. This could be useful in retaining our generation Y, who are so uptodate with technology. I probably wouldn't even have to recommend this and they already know about it.

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...


You got to check out
It's in my blog as is a reference to you :-)

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