Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Latest Reads

Hi everyone,

Thanks Dejanee and Dorz for letting me know that your both reading my blog. Don't forget to leave comments.

Anyway the Teen Club, Legit, is due to start back shortly. I'm hoping to have things up and running by March, so please bear with me everyone. I have not forgotten you.

So what have I been reading? The Carter Girls Series which contains 4 books. The author is Melody Carlson.
1. Mixed Bags
2. Stealing Bradford
3. Homecoming Queen
4. Viva Vermont
It's your typical girly set up. Girls living away from home and boarding at an ex-model's house who just happens to be a grandmother now. There's heaps of drama in these books and typically what you would expect from rich catty girls but there are friendships formed in this house.

I would probably give them a 4/10 rating. I'm not really a fan of girly books.

I also read:
1. Marly's Ghost: a remix of Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol. The author is David Levithan. This was ok. If your've ever read and liked Charles Dickens' A christmas carol then you'll enjoy this. In this case the main character has given up on love because his true love has died. He's bent on destroying everyone's perception on love until he's visited by the 3 spirits.

I would give this a 5/10. It was ok but not great.

So everyone..keep reading and if you want to request these books come in to your local library or just check us out on our website http://www.manukau-libraries.govt.nz keep me up to date on what's happening around. Till we meet again...later's.

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