Thursday, September 18, 2008

Week 6 #14 - Tagging and Technorati

I went and created me a delicious account and found this useful if you wanted to keep a tab on your favourite sites from the internet. Thats was definitely an upside. Although I do think that if you wanted to bookmark sites, you can always save it into your favourites.
The tagging concept I can relate too, I mean imagine all your favourite songs you wanted to save and you could name these so that you'd remember. Well thats how I read it.

With the tagging part, I done tags through my technorati profile. It was a bit weird and complicated but I think I got the gist. I needed heaps of help with this.

Humorous Pictures
more animals

Well, to be honest, I thought I was quite good with technology. This Web 2.0 has proved me wrong. I'm really into the tagging part of this but I'm still getting my head around it.

I found this one intriguing: This is true, in the sense that libraries are becoming more and more modernised. Libraries are heading towards new technologies, I mean take a look at us...RFID...most of our customers are pretty impressed with the way that we're headed.
We need to stay up with the times or be left behind. Woo hoo to professional development!

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