Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week One - Blogging April 2010

Has it been that long since I've been in here. It's hard to believe.

Wow. The school holidays are over and gone, thank goodness. When you have programmes running every day, twice a day, it tires the body and weakens the mind. We're not getting any younger folks. Check out some of our photo's below from our April Holiday.

Mask Making

Scrabble Competition

Looking for Alice in Library Land

Looking for Alice in Library Land

I hope your all ready and geared to go for the next school holidays. Fun times!

1 comment:

tosca said...

Hi de hi - welcome back! Congratulations on finishing your first post :-) I'll be popping in and out of during the tutorial to see how it's going and to answer any questions you might post. Enjoy the journey!

p.s. I didn't know you carried on with your blog - awesome :)

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